Thursday, 16 October 2014

Walk in My Shoes

Walk in my shoes day was designed to raise awareness for Mental Health Week. The task was basically to come in to school wearing funky shoes along with having a non- uniform day. 

On the day I came in to school, everyone was wearing funky shoes. Ranging from, monkey slippers to stunning heels, everyone got into the spirit of walk in my shoes day. The teachers were going around class by class, to see who had the most funkiest of shoes. I even saw a few people wear wellies. 

The halls were covered with colorful, funky shoes. Walk in my shoes was a great way to let students express their inner fashion self and it gave us a break from the usual maroon uniform we all wore everyday.  



Thursday, 9 October 2014

Fun Walk

On 2nd October, St. Wolstan's had their annual Fun Walk. Every year has their own colors. 

First years: Pink 
Second years: Purple
Third years: Green 
Transition years: Yellow 
Fifth years: Blue 
Sixth years: Black and WhiteWhite 

When everyone was called down to the tennis courts, it looked like a rainbow. All the different colors looked wonderful. 

The Fun Walk is a great way to raise awareness for anti- bullying week. All the classes are working together and sharing a great experience that will surely be memorable. 

My favourite part of the Fun Walk is when everyone shows the performance they have been working on. Its fun to watch the different performances from every class. Some are amusing, others are filled with flips and cartwheels and some make you want to dance along. But overall, all the performances are exciting to watch. Especially when its your class's turn to perform, now that is when the nerves kick in. 

The actual Fun Walk itself is also fun but I'm always tired by the time we get half way through the walk. But it gives students to just have fun and chat with their friends.